Max Payne 1 Download For PC Game Free Full Version

download Max Payne 1 Download For PC free

Max Payne 1 PC Game, created by the Finnish developer Remedy Entertainment, has been in production for a long time. It is a third-person shooter, clearly inspired by the elegant photography and choreography of the genre of fighting genre of Hong Kong, in particular, the work of director John Woo. Like many Wu movies, Max Payne 1 is permeated with shots that are almost indescribably beautiful to watch, and still play them even better. Max Payne 1 has some drawbacks, especially since it’s not very long and does not have enough multi-user functions, but these things are not harmful. In the end, not often you have an exceptional and original action game, which is not only different from all the other shooters to date, but in many ways surpasses.

Max Payne 1 PC Game Free Download Full Version

You play as the protagonist throughout the game. Max is a secret NYPD whose wife and daughter have been brutally murdered and have since been accused of a heinous crime. Thus begins a battle soaked with blood to find the truth and avenge itself. The game has many excellent qualities, but one of the best things is how to actually play. It is very easy to enter, because the control is soft, simple and receptive. You use the keyboard to launch Max in any direction and use the mouse to steer your weapon.

The perspective of the camera of the third person of the game closely follows Max and gives him a good idea of ​​his surroundings, which is important, since he will have to carefully move through the infected environment of the game’s enemies. By default, the left button shoots the loaded weapon as quickly as possible, and the right button launches Max’s special ability, which temporarily places everything in slow motion, like in the John Woo movie or in the science fiction hit 1999 hit, the matrix.

Max Payne 1 Free Download Full Version For PC

The bullet time is impressive. The sounds of the shots become deaf and distant, and you hear an air rush, and then Max’s heartbeat, and you always hold your breath when all this happens, because the effect is very well done. The bullet time is not easy to show, but it provides maximum superhuman reflexes, because while all the game actions slow down, you can aim as fast as you can to move the mouse. Thus, the bullet time allows you to perform incredible shooting skills and, in combination with the movement keys, lethal acrobatic jumps in any direction. This special technique, called “shootdodge”, is the key to surviving most of the shooting of the game.  You also download Max Payne 2 download for pc.

When you go into the air, you will see zigzagged enemy cartridges (or shotgun bullets), even when you keep your weapon prepared and shoot at the enemy while sailing. Bullet time is a big advantage, but you are limited to using it in small increments and therefore you can not afford to use it if you really do not need it. This not only makes the game very balanced, especially since getting bad guys is replacing your bullet, as well as preventing too much use of the effect.

Max will have an impressive collection of very authentic real weapons throughout the game, including pistols, machine guns, shotguns, sniper rifles, grenades, Molotov cocktails and much more. He can carry as many weapons as he can, but he must keep a record of his ammunition stocks. There will always be a lot of bad guys that will absorb all your advantages, so you have to use your weapons for the most strategic and conservative purposes. In addition, Max is very vulnerable: a bullet in the head, not to mention a grenade, can kill him. But he can resolutely resist relatively small injuries. Then you can completely restore the damage you have caused with painkillers, which you will find scattered in tables and bathrooms, D. Also try Max Payne 3 download for pc

Max Payne 1 PC Game System Requirements:

  • OS: Microsoft® Windows® 2000/XP (only)
  • Memory: 96 MB RAM (128 MB RAM or greater recommended)
  • Processor: 450MHz AMD / Intel Processor.
  • Hard Drive: 830 MB Hard Drive Space for full install, 530 MB for minimum install.
  • DirectX Version: DirectX 8.0.
  • Graphics: 16MB Direct3D Compatible Graphics Card.

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